Kelly Clarkson says ‘nice things do not have to be expensive’ – to prove it, her rugs are reduced in Wayfair’s anniversary sale
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Kelly Clarkson says ‘nice things do not have to be expensive’ – to prove it, her rugs are reduced in Wayfair’s anniversary sale

It’s hard to choose a favorite category from Kelly Clarkson’s Wayfair collection – from her storage must-haves to her French country-style accessories inspired by her Montana home. However, above all, we find ourselves returning to her area rugs – and when we consider the price, it’s easy to understand why.

‘Nice things do not have to be expensive things,’ Clarkson shared in an Instagram discussion with Wayfair. ‘I have had some really good wine that’s not that expensive,’ she jokes. ‘It doesn’t matter how much money you make in your life, it still feels really good to get a good deal.’