Paramount Animation Reveals Five New Original Films In Development

Paramount Animation Reveals Five New Original Films In Development

Last summer, Paramount Pictures CEO Brian Robbins caused an uproar in the animation industry when he said that the company would only focus on IP-driven animated features because original ideas were too risky. “We’re not going to release an expensive original animated movie and just pray people will come,” he said at the time.

His comments were widely criticized by top industry figures including Guillermo del Toro and Chris Miller, and led to a quick retraction by Paramount Animation president Ramsey Naito, who said that the studio would definitely continue developing original ideas.

Today, Naito made good on that promise by announcing five new projects that are currently in development at Paramount. The goal of the studio, she told Variety, is “to make movies that reach kids and families everywhere that have a real relatabililty, that feel broad and diverse.”