Thirty years after starring in “Forrest Gump” together, Tom Hanks and Robin Wright are looking younger than ever in a trailer for their upcoming movie, “Here.”
The time-jumping drama, which reunites the two actors with their “Forrest Gump” director, Robert Zemeckis, uses makeup and de-aging technology to tell the story of a couple named Richard (Hanks) and Margaret (Wright), who meet as teenagers in the 1960s and go on to spend the rest of their lives together.
“Here,” which hits theaters Nov. 15, is “an original film about multiple families and a special place they inhabit,” according to Sony Pictures.
The movie’s first full-length trailer, released June 26, kicks off by showing a fresh-faced Richard introducing Margaret to his father.
A beat later, an older Richard tells Margaret, “Time sure does fly, doesn’t it?”
“It sure does,” she replies wistfully.
The trailer goes on to show Richard and Margaret at various ages during their lives together, including glimpses of the couple as expectant parents and also as a father and a mother.
“You know, if you like, you could spend the rest of the night here,” a young Richard tells Margaret as the two embrace in his parents’ living room, which later becomes their living room.
“I could spend the rest of my life here,” Margaret tells him before the trailer speeds ahead to show the pair as an elderly couple visiting their now-empty home.
The trailer leaps around in time to show other families who have inhabited Richard’s home. It also flashes way back to show workers building the home decades before, and even revisits the location during a time when it was a pristine forest.
The movie’s screenplay, which was co-written by Zemeckis and Eric Roth, is based on the graphic novel “Here” by Richard McGuire.