Video: 10 Exciting New Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In June 2024
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Video: 10 Exciting New Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In June 2024

Has Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD been confirmed to run at 60fps, docked?
Looking forward to that blast from the Genesis past > ala’ Rocket Knight Collection, and hopefully Monkey Ball Banana Rumble can surpass the heights of SMB1 & SMB2.

Banana Mania on the other hand has latency/footing issues and Banana Blitz HD was designed with the Wii remote in mind to accommodate the more simply barren stages. With analog controls present in Blitz HD the game becomes absurdly easy and quite the snooze to play. Although, I recently played Banana Blitz(Wii) on my CRT TV(zero lag) and the motion tilt controls do NOT hold up.

Overall, I just don’t really find any of the monkey ball games enjoyable anymore. The ideal way to play would be with the Pro Controller’s Gyro, to use as if you’re tilting the game boards…But with 100% reliability/accuracy. Even the smallest hiccup can cost you! Analog stick steering on the other hand just doesn’t feel as intuitive or immersive as I’d like for a game like this.