In Utah, eating out costs an average of $17.00 a meal.
Cooking and eating at home costs about $3.39 a meal.
You can save over $13 every meal by cooking at home.
That’s all well and good when you are home, but how does that help when you are traveling.
Trish Brimhall, RDN, CD, CLE, joined us with some nutrition travel tips.
She says, “Aim for 2:1. For every meal you eat out, try to eat two at home, either creatively packed in your car, hotel of grocery store.
That mean mean finding some shelf-stable protein sources, using a cooler or a combination of the two.
Produce tends to pack well and grains are always an easy go-to, Trish says.
Trish also advises to avoid the “garbage but”. Whether it is the siren song of the drive-thru or the convenience store, traveling often means a less than happy gut. To prevent this, work to keep physical activity in your itinerary, drink lots of water and choose high fiber food sources like fruits, veggies, and whole grain options when possible,” she says.
Finally, make travel a culinary adventure. Hopefully you’ll find interesting, unique and delicious spots to eat when you travel and don’t forget to enjoy the eating experiences because those are sometimes the best travel memories.
You can learn more from Trish at