Ryan Todd’s Year of Sketching Unveils Clever Creations

Ryan Todd’s Year of Sketching Unveils Clever Creations

Ryan Todd’s 365 Days of Drawing project features a clever and insightful series of daily sketches. The challenge of creating one drawing per day for a year was significant and Todd humorously acknowledged moments of doubt in his interview with ItsNiceThat. His goal was to cultivate a habit of daily creativity and conceptual exploration, which he achieved by setting a strict routine to record his visual thoughts.

Todd carried his sketchbook everywhere, finding the constant need for ideas both difficult and enjoyable. This daily practice nurtured a playful and inquisitive mindset. The collection, marked by its simple black and white style, includes whimsical puns and observations from his surroundings, serving as visual exercises and social commentary. Changing locations often inspired new subjects, enriching his creativity.

Todd’s year-long endeavor helped him make unexpected connections that influenced his commercial work. Reflecting on the project, he appreciated it as a straightforward exercise in creative thinking. As for the future, he hopes to share the drawings through a book, exhibition, or auction.

For more details, visit ItsNiceThat.